Lambda Literary - Jeanne Córdova Prize for Lesbian/Queer Nonfiction
Rainbow Award
One of Lambda Literary’s Most Anticipated Books of September 2020
The People’s Book Prize Finalist
“Other Girls Like Me is a gloriously thrilling and uplifting ride through a critical moment in queer culture, the women’s movement, and the story of political protest. Stephanie Davies writes with bravura wit and drive, keeping one breathless with a matchless blend of admiration, hilarity, and astonished suspense.”
Stephanie Davies
is a writer who worked for many years in communications for Doctors Without Borders and now works as a speechwriter at UNAIDS. In 2024, she was awarded Lambda Literary’s Jeanne Córdova Prize for Lesbian/Queer Nonfiction for Other Girls Like Me and her work-in-progress Other Queers Like Me.
A UK native, Stephanie moved to New York in the early nineties, where she taught English Composition at Long Island University in Brooklyn and led research trips to Cuba. Before moving to New York, she co-edited a grassroots LGBTQ magazine in Brighton called A Queer Tribe. Stephanie earned a French and ESL teaching degree from Aberystwyth University in Wales, and a BA in European Studies from Bath University, England. She grew up in a small village in Hampshire and at the age of 22, joined a women's peace camp outside a US military base at Greenham Common in Newbury, a life-changing experience that is at the heart of Other Girls Like Me. Today, Stephanie divides her time between Brooklyn and the Hudson Valley, New York where she lives with her wife, Bea, and rescue pitbull mix, Pongo.